Kiran Hebbar news and trends

CFOs Look Back on 2022 as the Year of Digital Transformation
Digital Payments // December 29, 2022

For scores of CFOs, 2022 may go down as the year where they zeroed in on “what really matters” — including digital transformation. Amidst the turbulence of the last couple of years and the broader stirrings of macroeconomic pressures today, financial leaders used the past...

Alloy CFO: Know-Your-Business Focus Aligns Banks and FinTechs in 2023
Security & Fraud // December 05, 2022

2022 was a year filled with crypto meltdowns, international sanctions, synthetic IDs and fraud attacks. But Kiran Hebbar, CFO at Alloy, told PYMNTs that 2023 will be the year where regulators ramp up their scrutiny of financial services firms. “Fraud has exploded,” he said —...

Experts Say Digital Makeover of Receivables Yields Returns Beyond AR
Innovation // October 11, 2022

The pandemic ushered in a receivables revolution as disruption forced an “innovate or perish” urgency in cash management, money movement, payout options and related fraud risk. As part of PYMNTS’ monthlong series of discussions around the digital transformation of business, we invited Abhishek, global head...

Voice of the CFO: Where Are All the Next-Gen Billing and Forecasting Tools?
CFO // July 22, 2022

As a longtime chief financial officer (CFO), Kiran Hebbar, CFO at Alloy, said there are two sorts of tools he’s been looking for, and for which he sees great opportunities. First, a tool for consumption-based billing. “I personally believe that there’s a billion-dollar company to...

Interviews & Exclusives
CFOs Look Back on 2022 as the Year of Digital Transformation

December 29, 2022
For scores of CFOs, 2022 may go down as the year where they zeroed in on “what really matters” — including digital transformation. Amidst the turbulence of the last couple of years and the broader stirrings of macroeconomic pressures today, financial leaders used the past year to take a hard look at their processes and […]

Experts Say Digital Makeover of Receivables Yields Returns Beyond AR

October 11, 2022
The pandemic ushered in a receivables revolution as disruption forced an “innovate or perish” urgency in cash management, money movement, payout options and related fraud risk. As part of PYMNTS’...