Kushki news and trends

PYMNTS Intelligence: How Demand for Digital and Contactless Payments Is Growing Across Latin America
Latin America // June 06, 2022

The pandemic accelerated the digitization of companies’ customer interactions by as much as four years and the share of their digital product offerings by an astounding seven years. As companies across the globe worked double-time to develop digital- and mobile-first platforms to adapt to pandemic-related...

CloudWalk On Meeting Latin America’s Growing Demand For Digital Payments
Latin America // June 03, 2022

Brazil’s bold steps toward digital adoption and the launch of instant payments network Pix are slowly chipping away at cash. It's why Luis Silva, CEO of payment network provider CloudWalk, tells PYMNTS he and others have high hopes for the burgeoning digital payments market in...

Brazil’s Bold Steps Towards Digital Payments Adoption
Latin America // June 02, 2022

As the world adopts digital payment options at a breakneck pace, Latin American countries have typically lagged in the shift away from cash to alternative payment methods, including digital wallets, QR codes and other contactless payment options. With recent research indicating that economic growth is...

Overcoming the Cash-Centric Culture of Central America and the Caribbean
Latin America // May 10, 2022

The pandemic pushed governments, businesses and consumers worldwide to look at the importance of digitization as the world becomes increasingly connected. Countries with digitally inclined consumers found value in adapting to digital marketplaces, and countries with higher numbers of unbanked or underbanked consumers face unique...

Interviews & Exclusives
Kushki CEO: Latin America’s Digital Payments Explosion Demands New Infrastructure 

June 07, 2022
Around the globe, inflation mounts, sapping purchasing power and straining budgets. In Latin America, inflation is running at double-digit percentage points. Logic might hold that with these pressures in place, spending — in terms of transaction volume — would be scaled back drastically. In this case, logic would be wrong. “Regardless of how inflation moves, […]

Brazil’s Bold Steps Towards Digital Payments Adoption

June 02, 2022
As the world adopts digital payment options at a breakneck pace, Latin American countries have typically lagged in the shift away from cash to alternative payment methods, including digital wallets,...

Overcoming the Cash-Centric Culture of Central America and the Caribbean

May 10, 2022
The pandemic pushed governments, businesses and consumers worldwide to look at the importance of digitization as the world becomes increasingly connected. Countries with digitally inclined consumers found value in adapting...

Rising Streaming Costs Threaten LatAm’s Digital Shift

March 30, 2022
Latin America is a continent as case study when it comes to digital modernization from payments to streaming, blazing trails that emerging and developed markets can learn from. In a...

Quick Reads
Digitizing Payments in Latin America Playbook: Brazil Is Setting the Standard

April 20, 2022
Open banking is an emerging practice in the financial sector these days, with consumers embracing the opportunity to control their financial data and prevent banks from blocking the movement of money between other financial services. Almost 4 out of 5 Brazilians (79%) compared to slightly more than half of Americans (51%), 3 out of 5 […]

Seamless UX, Payments Sets Streaming Services Apart in Hot Latam Market

March 09, 2022
Latin America is among the fastest-growing markets for virtual streaming and subscription services. Competition is fierce, with big players like Netflix fighting to hold its position and keep the attention...

Study: 94% of Mexican Consumers Use Mobile Banking

February 25, 2022
Mexico is seeing a surge in consumer interest in online payment and banking tools, particularly when it comes to mobile-optimized features. A recent report found that 94% of Mexican consumers...