Laptops news and trends

Microsoft Launches AI-Optimized Devices for Business Users
Technology // March 21, 2024

Microsoft has announced the launch of two new devices designed exclusively for business users: the Surface Pro 10 for Business and the Surface Laptop 6 for Business. These devices are the first in the Surface lineup to be optimized for artificial intelligence (AI), featuring the...

PC Market Expected to Recover After 8 Quarters of Decline
Retail // October 09, 2023

The worldwide PC market experienced a decline of 9% in shipments in the third quarter of 2023, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of decline.  However, there is hope for a recovery in the fourth quarter of 2023, Gartner said in a Monday (Oct. 9) press release.  The decline...

Travelex Checking Employees’ Computers For Signs Of Ransomware
Security & Fraud // January 11, 2020

Some employees of Travelex, a company that was recently hit with a ransomware attack, were forced to hand over their laptops to technicians to see if their machines were infected and whether they can be fixed, according to a report by the Financial Times. The...

Qualcomm Expects To Ship 1B 5G Smartphones By 2023
Retail // January 06, 2020

Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon spoke at CES 2020 on Monday (Jan. 6) and debuted a few new products from the company, according to a report by VentureBeat. Amon introduced the Lenovo 5G PC, which is a dual-purpose laptop and tablet called the Yoga 5G. It...

Quick Reads
Microsoft Launches AI-Optimized Devices for Business Users

March 21, 2024
Microsoft has announced the launch of two new devices designed exclusively for business users: the Surface Pro 10 for Business and the Surface Laptop 6 for Business. These devices are the first in the Surface lineup to be optimized for artificial intelligence (AI), featuring the new Copilot key on their keyboards for accelerated access to […]

PC Market Expected to Recover After 8 Quarters of Decline

October 09, 2023
The worldwide PC market experienced a decline of 9% in shipments in the third quarter of 2023, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of decline.  However, there is hope for a...

Travelex Checking Employees’ Computers For Signs Of Ransomware

January 11, 2020
Some employees of Travelex, a company that was recently hit with a ransomware attack, were forced to hand over their laptops to technicians to see if their machines were infected...

Qualcomm Expects To Ship 1B 5G Smartphones By 2023

January 06, 2020
Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon spoke at CES 2020 on Monday (Jan. 6) and debuted a few new products from the company, according to a report by VentureBeat. Amon introduced the...