Lawyers news and trends

DC Bar: Lawyers Allowed To Take Digital Currency As Payment
Cryptocurrency // July 01, 2020

Washington D.C. lawyers will be allowed to accept cryptocurrency as payment, according to an opinion by the District of Columbia Bar. Crypto payments will be valid so long as the fee agreement is “fair and reasonable” and the lawyer can safeguard the virtual property, the opinion...

UK Celebrity Law Firm Warns Remote Staff To Turn Off Smart Speakers
Legal // March 20, 2020

A U.K. law firm, Mishcon de Reya, has warned attorneys who are working from home to turn off their smart speakers while they’re talking to clients so the conversations don’t get recorded, according to a report by Bloomberg. Mishcon de Reya has worked with such...

FinCEN Director: Bankers, Lawyers Provide Valuable Information To Deter Crime
Security & Fraud // December 10, 2019

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco told bankers and lawyers at a conference Dec. 10 that the information they report provides important data for agents, analysts and investigative personnel, according to his prepared remarks. “Those of you in this room need to...

More Lawyers Let Startups Pay Them In Bitcoin
Bitcoin // January 29, 2018

Some lawyers are jumping on the cryptocurrency craze, opting to accept payment in bitcoin. According to a report in, some of the big law firms that have been representing bitcoin and other cryptocurrency companies since 2013 have been accepting bitcoin payments – but in...

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: S. Korea Eyes Crypto Capital Gains Tax; Crypto Lawyers See Rise In Demand

July 13, 2020
South Korean crypto users might soon see 20 percent taxes on their currency, according to Cointelgraph. Lawmakers’ discussions established that the virtual assets can be construed as electronic certificates of economic value. Proposed amendments to existing bills want to classify cryptocurrencies as goods rather than currencies. A South Korean court referenced the coins saying they […]

DC Bar: Lawyers Allowed To Take Digital Currency As Payment

July 01, 2020
Washington D.C. lawyers will be allowed to accept cryptocurrency as payment, according to an opinion by the District of Columbia Bar. Crypto payments will be valid so long as the fee...

UK Celebrity Law Firm Warns Remote Staff To Turn Off Smart Speakers

March 20, 2020
A U.K. law firm, Mishcon de Reya, has warned attorneys who are working from home to turn off their smart speakers while they’re talking to clients so the conversations don’t...

FinCEN Director: Bankers, Lawyers Provide Valuable Information To Deter Crime

December 10, 2019
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco told bankers and lawyers at a conference Dec. 10 that the information they report provides important data for agents, analysts and...