Location Services news and trends

Telenav Connected Car Firm Offers Alexa-Powered Navigation
Alexa // January 06, 2020

Connected car and location-based services firm Telenav is furthering its partnership with Amazon by tapping into Alexa’s voice-first navigation, Telenav announced Monday (Jan. 6). The partnership will give drivers hands-free guidance even when connectivity is lousy or not available. Drivers can use voice commands to...

How Mobile Card Services Turn Location Into Loyalty
Mobile // June 19, 2019

Location matters in real estate. It matters, too, when protecting credit cards against compromise. As Ondot CEO Vaduvur Bharghavan tells Karen Webster, location matters, too, when targeting consumers with relevant merchant offers — even at the onboarding level. Here’s why location-enabled card services benefit everyone,...

Retail Enablers: PlaceIQ’s LandMark Turns Location Into Leverage
Retail // May 24, 2017

Location is everything, and PlaceIQ has created a new way for retailers to leverage it. Enter the new LandMark product, which lets clients view and compare analytics from a staggering repertoire of businesses in order to understand, and perhaps revise, their own place in the...

SmartTag Startup Jiobit Sees $3M Seed Round
Retail // January 27, 2017

Jiobit, a technology startup based out of Chicago, makes something that seems like every parent, from those expecting to empty nesters, will want or wish they’d had. The startup has developed a location-tracking smart tag and accompanying mobile app that sends alerts to parents when...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Mobile Card Services Turn Location Into Loyalty

June 19, 2019
Location matters in real estate. It matters, too, when protecting credit cards against compromise. As Ondot CEO Vaduvur Bharghavan tells Karen Webster, location matters, too, when targeting consumers with relevant merchant offers — even at the onboarding level. Here’s why location-enabled card services benefit everyone, from merchants to FIs to consumers.

Quick Reads
Telenav Connected Car Firm Offers Alexa-Powered Navigation

January 06, 2020
Connected car and location-based services firm Telenav is furthering its partnership with Amazon by tapping into Alexa’s voice-first navigation, Telenav announced Monday (Jan. 6). The partnership will give drivers hands-free guidance even when connectivity is lousy or not available. Drivers can use voice commands to interact with the map, add a stop en route, request […]