Luxe news and trends

Uber Might Acquire Engineering Team From Car Valet Startup Luxe
Startups // June 12, 2017

Uber is in acquisition talks to fold in much of the engineering team from on-demand car valet startup Luxe. According to Fortune Magazine, Uber interviewed employees of Luxe’s 60-person staff last week to determine who would join the company as part of the “acquihire.” Last year, Uber acquired...

Quick Reads
thredUP Takes On Luxury Consignment Giant

July 26, 2017
Getting a little more bang for your buck has always been a coveted part of the consumer retail experience. Within the last decade, consumers have seemingly been a bit more wary of purchasing luxury items at their full retail price. The 2008 recession essentially raised a generation of consumers that are always looking for a […]

Uber Might Acquire Engineering Team From Car Valet Startup Luxe

June 12, 2017
Uber is in acquisition talks to fold in much of the engineering team from on-demand car valet startup Luxe. According to Fortune Magazine, Uber interviewed employees of Luxe’s 60-person staff last week to...