Mail Fraud news and trends

Data Dive, Breaches And Security Blips Edition: KeyBank, Microsoft And Bulgaria 
Data Dive // July 22, 2019

As temperatures nationwide heated up, the world of payments and commerce followed suit.  Between the commerce explosion that was the celebration of Prime Day and the blistering rounds of questions various Big Tech reps endured on Capitol Hill, things got and stayed unseasonably warm across...

College Admissions Scandal Now Alleges Money Laundering
Legal // April 10, 2019

Federal prosecutors have hit actress Lori Loughlin, her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, and 14 other parents with additional charges related to the college admissions bribery case. The news comes one day after actress Felicity Huffman, 12 other parents and a coach agreed to plead guilty to their...

Quick Reads
FinCEN Warns of Rise in Mail-Related Check Fraud

February 27, 2023
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is warning banks of a nationwide surge in check fraud. “Criminals have been increasingly targeting the U.S. Mail and United States Postal Service mail carriers since the COVID-19 pandemic to commit check fraud,” the agency said in a Monday (Feb. 27) news release. According to FinCEN, Bank Secrecy Act […]

College Admissions Scandal Now Alleges Money Laundering

April 10, 2019
Federal prosecutors have hit actress Lori Loughlin, her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, and 14 other parents with additional charges related to the college admissions bribery case. The news comes one day...