Mapbox news and trends

How Google Maps Predicts The Payments Future
Google // October 01, 2019

If you really want to understand human nature — really gain a deep sense about how people operate, and where they want to go — you could do worse than to study maps. They can show how people thought about the world, and how they pushed...

Self-Driving Vehicles: The Newest Role for Maps?
Innovation // June 01, 2018

Maps were used for many things throughout the centuries. In the coming years, maps will tell self-driving cars when to turn left and right, where to exit an interstate and where to park. That might not have quite the romantic appeal of the analog devices...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Google Maps Predicts The Payments Future

October 01, 2019
If you really want to understand human nature — really gain a deep sense about how people operate, and where they want to go — you could do worse than to study maps. They can show how people thought about the world, and how they pushed at the frontiers of known lands. Maps can teach us […]

Quick Reads
Mapbox Raises $280 Million to Expand AI-Driven Location Features

September 19, 2023
Mapbox, a location platform, has secured a $280 million investment in a Series E funding round to support the expansion of its platform in the automotive industry and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into vehicles. Having established itself as a location platform for mobile apps and logistics, Mapbox is making strides in the automotive […]