Masayoshi Son news and trends

SoftBank Plans to Commit $9 Billion to AI Projects
artificial intelligence // May 26, 2024

Japan’s SoftBank is reportedly planning to invest nearly $9 billion in artificial intelligence (AI). The tech company’s outlay for investments and commitments has more than doubled to $8.9 billion in the 12 months since its CEO said the company was ready to go on the “counteroffensive,”...

SoftBank CEO: AI Will Surpass Human Intelligence by 2030
artificial intelligence // October 04, 2023

The CEO of Japan’s SoftBank says artificial general intelligence is on the cusp of exceeding human knowledge. “Take advantage of it or be left behind,” said Masayoshi Son, whose comments at the annual SoftBank World event were reported by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Wednesday (Oct. 4). The tech...

SoftBank Group Subsidiary Arm Planning IPO
IPO // May 01, 2023

Semiconductor designer Arm Ltd., a subsidiary of SoftBank Group, is planning an initial public offering (IPO). The organization has confidentially submitted a draft registration on Form F-1 — a filing that is required for the registration of certain securities by foreign issuers — to the...

SoftBank Takes $2B Hit In Quarterly Earnings
Investments // February 12, 2020

SoftBank’s quarterly profit dropped 99 percent to ¥2.59 billion (£18.2 million) following steep Vision Fund losses, according to multiple reports on Wednesday (Feb. 12). The Vision Fund lost 225.1 billion yen (S$2.84 billion) for the three months ending in December, according to The Business Times. The...

Quick Reads
SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son: AI Will Drive ‘Evolution of Humanity’

June 21, 2024
Ten years from now, artificial intelligence (AI) will be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son reportedly said Friday (June 21). Speaking during SoftBank’s annual general meeting of shareholders, Son dubbed this degree of AI “artificial super intelligence (ASI),” CNBC reported Friday. Son added that within three to five years, the industry is likely to achieve […]

SoftBank Plans to Commit $9 Billion to AI Projects

May 26, 2024
Japan’s SoftBank is reportedly planning to invest nearly $9 billion in artificial intelligence (AI). The tech company’s outlay for investments and commitments has more than doubled to $8.9 billion in the...

SoftBank CEO: AI Will Surpass Human Intelligence by 2030

October 04, 2023
The CEO of Japan’s SoftBank says artificial general intelligence is on the cusp of exceeding human knowledge. “Take advantage of it or be left behind,” said Masayoshi Son, whose comments at the...

SoftBank Group Subsidiary Arm Planning IPO

May 01, 2023
Semiconductor designer Arm Ltd., a subsidiary of SoftBank Group, is planning an initial public offering (IPO). The organization has confidentially submitted a draft registration on Form F-1 — a filing...