Master Accounts news and trends

New Fed Guidelines Seen Helping Crypto Companies Gain Access to Central Banking System

August 15, 2022
Federal Reserve, CBDC, digital dollar
Crypto Bank Custodia Sues Federal Reserve Over ‘Black-Box’ Master Account Decision
Legal // June 08, 2022

Custodia Bank, a Wyoming-based digital asset bank, has taken legal action against the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and the Board of the Federal Reserve to force the institutions to issue a decision on the bank’s application to access the Fed’s Master Accounts.  The...

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New Fed Guidelines Seen Helping Crypto Companies Gain Access to Central Banking System

August 15, 2022
The Federal Reserve announced final guidelines Monday (Aug. 15) that could pave the way for institutions holding crypto and other “new types of financial products” to gain access to so-called master accounts with the central bank. Although the press release from the Fed’s Board of Governors made no specific reference to cryptocurrency, bitcoin, or any […]