Menus news and trends

Restaurants Reintroduce Paper Menus Amid Customer Complaints About QR Codes

May 31, 2024
waitress and restaurant patrons
Olo Unveils Nutrition Feature For Its US Restaurants
Retail // April 24, 2017

Going out to eat with friends or family while trying to maintain a healthy diet can be a tricky path to navigate. While many people have the right intentions when visiting a restaurant of trying to choose the best option on the menu, most resort...

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Restaurants Reintroduce Paper Menus Amid Customer Complaints About QR Codes

May 31, 2024
In recent years, QR code menus gained popularity among restaurants as a way to streamline service and reduce the need for additional staff. However, consumer complaints have reportedly prompted a shift in the industry. Many diners have expressed frustration with QR code menus, citing issues such as difficulty in navigating the menus, concerns about privacy […]