Meta Platforms news and trends

Facebook Records Highest Young Adult Use in Three Years
Meta // June 02, 2024

Meta Platforms says young adults are flocking to Facebook. “Facebook is still for everyone, but in order to build for the next generation of social media consumers, we’ve made significant changes with young adults in mind,” the social media giant wrote in a blog post...

Instagram, WhatsApp and Meta Business Services Suffer Outages
Meta // April 03, 2024

Instagram and WhatsApp reportedly suffered some outages in the United States and some other countries Wednesday (April 3). For a period of time Wednesday afternoon, Eastern time, Downdetector displayed 3,100 users’ reports of outages for Instagram and 17,000 for WhatsApp, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. A status page of Meta Platforms, the parent company of...

Judge Rejects Social Media Companies’ Efforts to Dismiss Lawsuits
Legal // November 14, 2023

A federal judge in Oakland, California, has ruled against major social media companies, rejecting their efforts to dismiss nationwide litigation accusing them of illegally enticing and addicting millions of children to their platforms. The lawsuits against Alphabet (Google and YouTube), Meta Platforms (Facebook and Instagram),...

Barclays Analysts See Meta as Well-Positioned for Growth in AI
artificial intelligence // October 05, 2023

Barclays analysts reportedly believe that Meta Platforms, with its integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into its apps, is well-positioned for growth in the AI industry. The investment firm has identified Meta as a potential frontrunner in the field of AI, with its four mega-apps — WhatsApp,...

Quick Reads
Meta Platforms to Introduce Free AI Chatbots on WhatsApp

June 07, 2024
Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, is planning to introduce free artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots on WhatsApp as part of its strategy to monetize messaging apps. This move represents CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts to incorporate AI into Meta’s apps and generate revenue. Unlike its competitors, Meta is giving away its AI model and chatbot […]

Facebook Records Highest Young Adult Use in Three Years

June 02, 2024
Meta Platforms says young adults are flocking to Facebook. “Facebook is still for everyone, but in order to build for the next generation of social media consumers, we’ve made significant...

Instagram, WhatsApp and Meta Business Services Suffer Outages

April 03, 2024
Instagram and WhatsApp reportedly suffered some outages in the United States and some other countries Wednesday (April 3). For a period of time Wednesday afternoon, Eastern time, Downdetector displayed 3,100 users’ reports of outages for...

Judge Rejects Social Media Companies’ Efforts to Dismiss Lawsuits

November 14, 2023
A federal judge in Oakland, California, has ruled against major social media companies, rejecting their efforts to dismiss nationwide litigation accusing them of illegally enticing and addicting millions of children...