Michael Jabbara news and trends

Banks Combine AI and Communication to Combat the Rising Threat of Payment Fraud
Security & Fraud // October 16, 2023

With the rise of digital transactions and online services, fraud has become an increasing concern for both consumers and businesses. In March 2023, for example, 11% of consumers who paid for groceries encountered payment fraud, marking an 88% increase since December 2021. This is one...

Visa: AI Helps Combat the ‘Democratization’ of Cybercrime and Ransomware
Fraud Prevention // September 05, 2023

Michael Jabbara, vice president and global head of fraud services at Visa, told PYMNTS the fraud game is changing. Up until recently, he said, “you needed to have a certain amount of technical expertise to craft a malicious code. You needed to build your own...

Rise of Behavioral Fraud Makes Smart Prevention Critical for Businesses 
Security & Fraud // April 05, 2023

Employees are simultaneously a company’s first line of defense and their weakest link. That is because as today’s quick-moving, instant-everything modern world offers more hyperconnected vulnerabilities for bad actors to exploit, behavioral-driven fraud tactics are becoming an increasingly popular approach for breaching a firm’s defenses....

Visa Head of Fraud Services on Protecting Consumers From Hacker Scams
Fraud Prevention // March 28, 2023

The good news is that today’s payment landscape is becoming faster, easier, and more digital. The bad news is that fraudsters and cybercriminals are increasingly keeping pace, innovating upon established methodologies to improve the effectiveness of their methods as well as developing new attack tactics....

Interviews & Exclusives
Visa: AI Helps Combat the ‘Democratization’ of Cybercrime and Ransomware

September 05, 2023
Michael Jabbara, vice president and global head of fraud services at Visa, told PYMNTS the fraud game is changing. Up until recently, he said, “you needed to have a certain amount of technical expertise to craft a malicious code. You needed to build your own toolkit.” Cybercrime had been the domain of well-organized, well-funded gangs. […]

Visa: Card Present Fraud Soars as Consumers Return In-Store

October 07, 2022
The great reopening is upon us. Life is returning to normal, in many parts of the world. In the process, it’s reopening some lucrative channels for fraudsters and other criminals...

Quick Reads
Visa Adds Generative AI-Powered Tool to Combat Enumeration Attacks

May 07, 2024
Visa has launched a generative artificial intelligence (AI) solution designed to help issuers combat enumeration attacks. The new VAAI Score tool is being added to the Visa Account Attack Intelligence (VAAI) offering, beginning with U.S. issuers, the company said in a Tuesday (May 7) press release emailed to PYMNTS. “With the VAAI Score, our clients now have […]