Microsoft Copilot news and trends

Microsoft: Unlocking AI Benefits Will Require Cultural Changes for Enterprises
Earnings // April 25, 2024

Digital transformation is the name of the game — and that’s great news for Microsoft. The company, which reported its Fiscal Year 2024 Q3 earnings results on Thursday (April 25), has seen ongoing enterprise digitization fuel a greater appetite across the business landscape for innovations like...

Kyriba Adds AI-Powered Cash Forecasting Feature to Platform for CFOs
CFO // April 09, 2024

Kyriba has added artificial intelligence (AI) features to its platform that helps chief financial officers, treasurers and IT leaders optimize their liquidity. The new AI functionality improves cash forecasting, bank connectivity-as-a-service and custom report generation, the company said in a Tuesday (April 9) press release. These...

Microsoft Updates Copilot to Bring AI to Finance Teams
artificial intelligence // February 29, 2024

Microsoft has debuted a new offering for finance teams via its Copilot AI assistant. Copilot for Finance, announced Thursday (Feb. 29), joins the company’s Copilot for Sales and Copilot for Service offerings, and is designed for finance professionals who say they are bogged down with data entry and...

Microsoft Adds Personalization and Note-Taking Capabilities to AI Assistant
artificial intelligence // November 15, 2023

Microsoft has unveiled its latest innovations for Microsoft Copilot, its artificial intelligence (AI) assistant designed to enhance productivity and creativity in both work and personal life. Copilot for Microsoft 365, which became available for enterprises on Nov. 1, has already gained traction among leading companies,...

Quick Reads
Will Microsoft Spark a Wave of AI-Powered PCs?

May 26, 2024
Last week, Microsoft debuted a line of artificial intelligence (AI)-ready personal computers. New findings by Morgan Stanley — the subject of a report Sunday (May 26) by Seeking Alpha — argue that the tech giant’s rollout could usher in a new wave of PC sales. “We believe that the commercial PC market will be the […]

Kyriba Adds AI-Powered Cash Forecasting Feature to Platform for CFOs

April 09, 2024
Kyriba has added artificial intelligence (AI) features to its platform that helps chief financial officers, treasurers and IT leaders optimize their liquidity. The new AI functionality improves cash forecasting, bank...

Microsoft Updates Copilot to Bring AI to Finance Teams

February 29, 2024
Microsoft has debuted a new offering for finance teams via its Copilot AI assistant. Copilot for Finance, announced Thursday (Feb. 29), joins the company’s Copilot for Sales and Copilot for Service offerings, and...

Microsoft Adds Personalization and Note-Taking Capabilities to AI Assistant

November 15, 2023
Microsoft has unveiled its latest innovations for Microsoft Copilot, its artificial intelligence (AI) assistant designed to enhance productivity and creativity in both work and personal life. Copilot for Microsoft 365,...