Microsoft Corp news and trends

Goldman and Microsoft to Test Blockchain’s Future in Financial Services
Cryptocurrency // May 09, 2023

Several firms are banding together to leverage blockchain — and distributed ledger technology — to transform financial markets. The roster includes Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Microsoft Corp, Deloitte and others, who announced in an announcement that they would launch the Canton Network and start testing...

Salesforce Sees Future In AI With $50M Investment
Artificial Intelligence // September 20, 2017

Salesforce announced that its venture wing is launching a $50 million fund to invest in start-ups employing artificial intelligence. Reuters reported that Salesforce, whose software helps businesses sell, market and track customer activity, has increased its spending on research and development due to increasing competition...

Snapdeal Holds Out For A Better Offer On Flipkart Takeover
Retail // July 06, 2017

India’s second- and third-largest eCommerce firms, Flipkart and Snapdeal, have been in talks for months about a possible alliance to keep ahead of Amazon, but Snapdeal wasn’t quite ready to sell out to Flipkart – at least, not for less than the $1-billion valuation Flipkart...

Quick Reads
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Says AI Could End Poverty

June 23, 2023
Despite acknowledging the potential dangers of rapidly progressing AI technology, Sam Altman, the head of ChatGPT parent OpenAI, has argued that the benefits outweigh the costs. In an interview Thursday (June 22) at the Bloomberg Technology Summit in San Francisco, Altman addressed growing concern about the rapid progress of artificial intelligence (AI) and argued that global regulation could help make […]

Salesforce Sees Future In AI With $50M Investment

September 20, 2017
Salesforce announced that its venture wing is launching a $50 million fund to invest in start-ups employing artificial intelligence. Reuters reported that Salesforce, whose software helps businesses sell, market and...

Snapdeal Holds Out For A Better Offer On Flipkart Takeover

July 06, 2017
India’s second- and third-largest eCommerce firms, Flipkart and Snapdeal, have been in talks for months about a possible alliance to keep ahead of Amazon, but Snapdeal wasn’t quite ready to...