Mid Market Firms news and trends

Optimism in Fleet and Mobility Sector Fuels Use of Working Capital
Business // March 12, 2024

All companies in growth mode need access to capital, whether to fund short-term operational needs, mitigate unexpected expenses or execute plans for growth. One key demographic of these firms are growth corporates, the mid-market firms generating between $50 million and $1 billion annually that are...

Mid-Market Firms Drop Investment Plans Post-Brexit
B2B Payments // November 16, 2016

The markets panicked in the immediate aftermath of the U.K.’s Brexit vote, then the dust seemed to settle. Only now is the nation beginning to see how the decision will make an impact in reality, and mid-market businesses are feeling some of the largest hits....

Interviews & Exclusives
Lack of Working Capital Hinders Mid-Market Performance in APAC

April 15, 2024
The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region contributed roughly two-thirds of global growth last year. PYMNTS Intelligence recently studied Growth Corporates, or mid-market firms, in the APAC region to determine how they leveraged working capital solutions as part of our “2023-2024 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index” series.  The series, which was commissioned by Visa, also examined working capital patterns […]

Optimism in Fleet and Mobility Sector Fuels Use of Working Capital

March 12, 2024
All companies in growth mode need access to capital, whether to fund short-term operational needs, mitigate unexpected expenses or execute plans for growth. One key demographic of these firms are...