Misinformation news and trends

OpenAI Privacy Case Shows Misinformation Is Hard to Cure
artificial intelligence // April 30, 2024

In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, where chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT are all the rage, a new EU privacy complaint is shining a spotlight on a pesky problem: These programs just can’t seem to stop spinning tall tales. The complaint, filed by a European privacy...

How the World’s Most Urgent Risks Could Impact Payments
Safety and Security // January 11, 2024

Systemic shifts are taking place across the global economy, bringing with them new, urgent risks. But importantly, within the many era-defining changes underway, including the double-edged sword of generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, exists an emergence of unique opportunities — particularly for the payments industry....

Meta: AI-Generated Political Ads Must Be Labeled As Such
artificial intelligence // November 08, 2023

Meta is imposing new controls on AI-generated ads ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Beginning next year, advertisers around the world who post political ads or information about a social issue or an election will have to disclose whether that material has been digitally created or...

Fake News Has Real Business Impact in Today’s Cyberthreat Landscape
Security & Fraud // June 29, 2023

The internet, as businesses commonly knew and used it, ended in 2022. The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has reshaped the information ecosystem that firms previously operated within, creating a wealth of new opportunities — but also opening up the door to more threats...

Interviews & Exclusives
Cybersecurity Concerns Test Paris Olympics Preparations

June 19, 2024
The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics are set for just over a month from now, and the event is starting to look a lot like the banking and payments industries: Expect a lot of data, a big dose of AI and the ever-present concern around cybersecurity. Because while the rest of the world is […]

Fake News Has Real Business Impact in Today’s Cyberthreat Landscape

June 29, 2023
The internet, as businesses commonly knew and used it, ended in 2022. The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has reshaped the information ecosystem that firms previously operated within, creating...

Quick Reads
Meta: AI-Generated Political Ads Must Be Labeled As Such

November 08, 2023
Meta is imposing new controls on AI-generated ads ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Beginning next year, advertisers around the world who post political ads or information about a social issue or an election will have to disclose whether that material has been digitally created or changed, including through artificial intelligence (AI), Meta announced Wednesday (Nov. 8). According […]

Blackbird.AI Raises $20 Million to Fight Market Manipulation

June 15, 2023
Blackbird.AI, a narrative and risk intelligence firm driven by artificial intelligence (AI), has secured $20 million in Series B funding to ramp up its sales and marketing efforts, extend its...

Twitter: $8 Verification On Hold Until After Midterms

November 06, 2022
Twitter will hold off on a new system that charges subscribers $7.99 a month for verification until after the midterm elections. That’s according to a Sunday (Nov. 6) report by...

Loss Of Advertisers Knocks Facebook’s Market Value Down $56B

June 29, 2020
With advertising boycotts aplenty, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now out $7 billion, Bloomberg reports. The social media giant has faced backlash and losses in partnerships from companies like Unilever,...