Miva news and trends

Credit Key Brings B2B BNPL Services to eCommerce Provider Miva
eCommerce // June 02, 2022

B2B buy now, pay later (BNPL) solution Credit Key has teamed up with software company Miva to bring its BNPL solutions to the Miva eCommerce platform. According to a Thursday (June 2) news release, the partnership lets vendors that use Miva’s eCommerce platform offer Credit...

How Handy Uses Data To Find Fraudsters Before They Strike
Fraud Prevention // November 07, 2019

Fraudsters are constantly reinventing their approach to schemes, putting businesses and eCommerce merchants in a precarious position of responding to constantly-evolving fraud threats. In other words, it is no longer enough to respond to a fraud attack after it occurs. Businesses must be able to...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Handy Uses Data To Find Fraudsters Before They Strike

November 07, 2019
Fraudsters are constantly reinventing their approach to schemes, putting businesses and eCommerce merchants in a precarious position of responding to constantly-evolving fraud threats. In other words, it is no longer enough to respond to a fraud attack after it occurs. Businesses must be able to anticipate and react to fraud in real time. This task […]