Mobile Fundraising news and trends

Salvation Army Goes Digital
News // December 03, 2014

Salvation Army will ring in the holiday season with new digital channels to drive up donations for its annual Red Kettle Campaign, Mobile Commerce Daily reported. Now instead of relying on in-person donations, the nonprofit organization can continue to cast a wider net of contributors...

Quick Reads
Facebook Personal Goes Live

May 25, 2017
Say goodbye to GoFundMe campaigns on Facebook’s newsfeed. Because now, Facebook has launched its own fundraising platform. Sick? Raise money to cover medical procedures, treatments or injuries. House burned down? Start a “personal emergency” fundraiser. Lost a loved one? Facebook’s new tool can help you generate money to cover burial expenses or living costs. Students […]

Salvation Army Goes Digital

December 03, 2014
Salvation Army will ring in the holiday season with new digital channels to drive up donations for its annual Red Kettle Campaign, Mobile Commerce Daily reported. Now instead of relying...