Mosaicml news and trends

Data Management Firm Databricks to Acquire AI Startup MosaicML for $1.3 Billion
Acquisitions // June 26, 2023

Databricks is buying generative artificial intelligence (AI) startup MosaicML in a $1.3 billion deal. The acquisition is designed to meet the rapid demand among businesses for their own version of ChatGPT, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Monday (June 26). Officials for Databricks — a data storage and management firm —...

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Cash-Strapped Tech Startups Seek Acquisitions to Stay Afloat

July 14, 2023
Cash-strapped tech startups facing a financing crunch are increasingly seeking to sell themselves to larger companies, launching a wave of takeovers of popular artificial intelligence companies that has revived Silicon Valley investment activity. Databricks recently announced a $1.3 billion mostly stock deal to acquire AI start-up MosaicML, providing software tools designed to lower the cost […]

Data Management Firm Databricks to Acquire AI Startup MosaicML for $1.3 Billion

June 26, 2023
Databricks is buying generative artificial intelligence (AI) startup MosaicML in a $1.3 billion deal. The acquisition is designed to meet the rapid demand among businesses for their own version of ChatGPT, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)...