Music Business news and trends

izo: Dancing To The Beat Of Automated Payables
Digital Payments // August 20, 2018

The business of music is the business of payment flow, with all that money-moving among consumers, artists, labels and other participants involved providing songs, dance, video and related content to fans. It seems like a criminal understatement to say that that business has changed (and...

Interviews & Exclusives
izo: Dancing To The Beat Of Automated Payables

August 20, 2018
The business of music is the business of payment flow, with all that money-moving among consumers, artists, labels and other participants involved providing songs, dance, video and related content to fans. It seems like a criminal understatement to say that that business has changed (and keeps changing) as a result of digital technology — in […]

Quick Reads
Keeping The Payments Flowing In The Music Business

August 28, 2018
It’s challenging to come up with a more complex case of payments flow than what is found in the music business. Not only are multiple players involved — artists, labels, consumers, online platforms, etc. — but the payments can be tiny but steady, and international. And that’s to say nothing of the hassles and toil involved […]