Myetherwallet news and trends

Bitcoin Daily: LoopX’s Exit Scam, BitGrail’s Suspicious Nano Hack
Bitcoin // February 13, 2018

Some of America’s leading universities are adding a new course to their roster – call it Bitcoin 101. Graduate classes at schools such as Duke and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will address bitcoin and the blockchain, The New York Times reported. “There was some...

The Frightful Five: Fake Apps And Hubcaps
Retail // December 14, 2017

When a company is as massive as any one of the Frightful Five, the bad news is it’s inevitable that some things will slip under the radar. Apple and Amazon learned that the hard way this week as partners called them out on fake apps...

Apple Removes MyEtherWallet Fake App
Apple // December 12, 2017

Apple pulled a paid iOS app from its App Store on Monday (Dec. 11) after MyEtherWallet, a free app to store digital currencies, complained the paid version had appropriated its name. According to a report in Reuters, MyEtherWallet said on Sunday via Twitter that the...

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Bitcoin Nears $8K, MyEtherWallet Unveils iOS App

July 24, 2018
The developers of the U Network have reportedly run out of their reserve of crypto tokens and intend to buy back some of its supply, CoinDesk reported. They had set a limit of 10 billion tokens for its UUU coins — and dedicated 40 percent of the tokens to future development and the founding members. […]

Bitcoin Daily: LoopX’s Exit Scam, BitGrail’s Suspicious Nano Hack

February 13, 2018
Some of America’s leading universities are adding a new course to their roster – call it Bitcoin 101. Graduate classes at schools such as Duke and the Massachusetts Institute of...

Apple Removes MyEtherWallet Fake App

December 12, 2017
Apple pulled a paid iOS app from its App Store on Monday (Dec. 11) after MyEtherWallet, a free app to store digital currencies, complained the paid version had appropriated its...