National Security news and trends

Department of Homeland Security First Gov’t Agency to Embrace AI
artificial intelligence // March 18, 2024

The Department of Homeland Security has become the first federal agency to embrace artificial intelligence (AI). The DHS on Monday (March 18) unveiled a “roadmap” for its planned use of AI in three pilot projects. In one, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) will test AI on detecting fentanyl...

Battle Lines Being Drawn Between Open- and Closed-Source Goals for AI Regulation
artificial intelligence // January 08, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have added a new layer to the ongoing and increasingly philosophical debate about whether open-source or proprietary systems are better for society, the marketplace and even national security. Given that the European Union (EU) is so far the only major Western...

Senate Grapples With AI’s Existential Threats Amid Industry’s Dueling Narratives
artificial intelligence // December 06, 2023

There’s a simple binary that many in advertising use to promote brands: fear vs. hope. Home security systems and health insurance providers, for example, are fear-based brands; while many CPG (consumer packaged goods) products, like Coca-Cola or Dove, are hope-based brands. Artificial intelligence (AI) has...

Alibaba Jettisons Cloud Spin-Off Amid Focus on AI
Earnings // November 16, 2023

Chinese tech giant Alibaba says it will not spin off its cloud intelligence business. The decision, announced Thursday (Nov. 16) along with the company’s quarterly earnings, is apparently the result of the U.S. government’s restrictions on cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) technology imports to China. “Given the uncertainties...

Interviews & Exclusives
Looking Toward The Finish Line For MoneyGram’s Merger, But Then What?

April 28, 2017
Ant Financial may snap up MoneyGram, amid a $1.2 billion price tag, hurdling concerns over national security, too.  But Walmart lies in wait.  Smooth sailing to a merger approval might lead to rocky shoals afterwards.

Quick Reads
TikTok Ban Becomes Law as Social Commerce Takes Off

April 24, 2024
President Joe Biden has signed a law banning TikTok unless it’s sold within a year. As NPR noted in its report Wednesday (April 24), the law is the largest threat so far to the popular social media platform in the U.S., though it will likely not immediately disrupt its business, due to pending legal challenges and other delays. The law […]

Department of Homeland Security First Gov’t Agency to Embrace AI

March 18, 2024
The Department of Homeland Security has become the first federal agency to embrace artificial intelligence (AI). The DHS on Monday (March 18) unveiled a “roadmap” for its planned use of AI...

Alibaba Jettisons Cloud Spin-Off Amid Focus on AI

November 16, 2023
Chinese tech giant Alibaba says it will not spin off its cloud intelligence business. The decision, announced Thursday (Nov. 16) along with the company’s quarterly earnings, is apparently the result of the U.S....

Anti-Ransomware Coalition Tells Hackers: We Won’t Pay

October 31, 2023
A 40-nation alliance reportedly plans to pledge to not to pay ransoms to cybercriminals. The U.S.-led International Counter Ransomware Initiative is making this promise amid a growing number of ransomware attacks, Reuters reported Tuesday...