Naveed Anwar news and trends

Citi Says AI Will Personalize Treasury and Power Data-Readiness Teams
Artificial Intelligence // July 05, 2023

We are increasingly living in a data-driven economy, and businesses must keep up if they want to stay alive, much less compete. In today’s new world, formerly frontier technologies are being leveraged to change the game and allow for business innovations at a pace that...

Interviews & Exclusives
Data Preparedness Will Define Tomorrow’s Industry Laggards Vs. Leaders

July 18, 2023
In today’s digital era, business success is built on bits and bytes of information.  That’s because, typically speaking, more data leads to better products, which attract more users, who generate more data, which further improves the product.  The dynamic between information economy and software landscape’s growth has only accelerated this flywheel effect.   For enterprise organizations […]