Nice Actimize news and trends

Tracking The Trends That Shaped 2020’s The Digital-First Economy
Data // January 01, 2021

This year, the PYMNTS data and analytics team published 252 reports that tracked the data, innovations and disruptive thinking that are reshaping the payments and commerce business. The Trackers use a number of creative methodologies and frameworks that measure and benchmark an ever-changing landscape. As...

Fraud Fighters Focusing On Better P2P Security
Fraud Prevention // October 21, 2020

There’s no soft version, no smoothing it over. Companies charged with protecting people’s data lost ground in 2020, after an abysmal 2019 of breathtaking data breaches. Yes, the pandemic explains a great deal of the new action. Preparedness (or lack thereof) explains the rest. “This...

Deep Dive: Fighting Back Against The Fraud Plaguing P2P Payment Apps
Fraud Prevention // October 20, 2020

P2P payment apps — including third-party solutions like Venmo and CashApp as well as first-party banking apps — allow users to seamlessly pay each other for informal services and goods and have recently become incredibly popular. Some retail establishments are also adding P2P-enabled payments to...

How Zelle Protects Users Against Scams And Frauds With AI, Analytics
Fraud Prevention // October 19, 2020

Fraudsters are deploying tactics ranging from impersonating tax officials to selling fake PPE on peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Fighting these threats requires an equally wide-ranging defense, says Jamie Armistead, vice president of Zelle. In this month’s Preventing Financial Crime Playbook, Armistead...

Interviews & Exclusives
Tracking The Trends That Shaped 2020’s The Digital-First Economy

January 01, 2021
This year, the PYMNTS data and analytics team published 252 reports that tracked the data, innovations and disruptive thinking that are reshaping the payments and commerce business. The Trackers use a number of creative methodologies and frameworks that measure and benchmark an ever-changing landscape. As part of our special year-end coverage, here’s a sampling of […]

Zelle: The Role Of AI In Stopping COVID-Related P2P Payment Scams

October 16, 2020
COVID-era fraudsters use scams that range from impersonating tax officials to selling fake PPE on P2P payment apps. Fighting these threats requires an equally wide range of defenses, says Jamie Armistead, Zelle vice president. In this...

Radius Bank: Becoming Partners In Crime Prevention Can Help FIs Beat Fraud Rings

July 21, 2020
Cybercrime is a constant concern for banks, credit unions and other financial institutions (FIs), with more than 25 percent of all malware attacks targeting the financial industry specifically. Compromised credit...

Fixing Banks’ AML Achilles’ Heel — Before The Fraudsters Pounce

June 17, 2020
In financial fraud, the breaches come when bank standards are lax. Australian bank Westpac Banking Corp. may stand as Exhibit A here. According to a report in ZDNet, Westpac said that...

Quick Reads
NICE Actimize Adds AI-Based Suspicious Activity Monitoring to AML Solutions

April 19, 2023
NICE Actimize has added Suspicious Activity Monitoring (SAM-10) to its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) solutions. The new SAM-10 features artificial intelligence (AI)-based AML transaction monitoring and multilayered analytics to detect more suspicious activity, reduce false positives and complement the company’s other AML solutions for financial institutions, NICE Actimize said in a Wednesday (April 19) press release. […]

NICE Actimize Launches AI Tool To Fight Financial Crime

August 19, 2020
NICE Actimize on Wednesday (Aug. 19) released a platform called Xceed that the company says will use “best-in-class AI, data intelligence, behavioral analytics and insights within a unified cloud platform”...

NICE Actimize Buys Guardian Analytics

June 08, 2020
Financial fraud prevention software and cloud company NICE Actimize has unveiled a deal to acquire Guardian Analytics. With the deal, New Jersey-based NICE Actimize looks to beef up its offerings...