Nonrevolving Credit news and trends

Consumers’ Total Outstanding Credit Leaps $23.7 Billion in November
Consumer Finance // January 08, 2024

Consumers’ total outstanding credit leapt by $23.7 billion in November after growing by $5.8 billion the previous month. Revolving credit accounted for $19.1 billion of the increase, while nonrevolving credit made up the other $4.6 billion, the Federal Reserve said Monday (Jan. 8) in its monthly report on consumer...

Fed’s Credit Data Shows Puts and Takes, but Loading Up on the Cards Continues 
Economy // October 09, 2023

Individuals and households are paying down at least some of their debt — bringing the “headline” consumer credit number down a bit. But the devil’s in the details, and the details show that credit card debt continues to mount. To that end, the Federal Reserve’s latest...

Fed Says Consumer Credit Grew 4.3% in June
Consumer Finance // August 07, 2023

Consumer credit grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.3% in June. Revolving credit decreased at an annual rate of 0.6% during the month, while nonrevolving credit increased by 6.0%, the Federal Reserve said in a Monday (Aug. 7) statistical release. Consumer credit includes most...

Fed Says Total Consumer Credit Outstandings Grew 5.7% in April
Consumer Finance // June 07, 2023

Consumer credit grew at a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.7% in April. Revolving credit increased at an annual rate of 13.1% during the month, while nonrevolving credit grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, the Federal Reserve said in a Wednesday (June 7) statistical release. Compared to...

Quick Reads
Consumers’ Total Outstanding Credit Leaps $23.7 Billion in November

January 08, 2024
Consumers’ total outstanding credit leapt by $23.7 billion in November after growing by $5.8 billion the previous month. Revolving credit accounted for $19.1 billion of the increase, while nonrevolving credit made up the other $4.6 billion, the Federal Reserve said Monday (Jan. 8) in its monthly report on consumer credit outstanding. “In November, consumer credit increased at a seasonally […]

Fed Says Consumer Credit Grew 4.3% in June

August 07, 2023
Consumer credit grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.3% in June. Revolving credit decreased at an annual rate of 0.6% during the month, while nonrevolving credit increased by...

Fed Says Total Consumer Credit Outstandings Grew 5.7% in April

June 07, 2023
Consumer credit grew at a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.7% in April. Revolving credit increased at an annual rate of 13.1% during the month, while nonrevolving credit grew at an...