Npr news and trends

Deep Dive: How Open Source ID Solutions Can Accelerate Digital ID Implementation
Authentication // January 10, 2020

Digital identity solutions are becoming increasingly necessary as the world’s population grows. An estimated 1.1 billion people worldwide lack basic ID credentials, according to the World Bank, and that number rises even higher when it includes individuals with poor-quality IDs that cannot be easily verified....

Walmart Experiments With Personal Shoppers
Retail // December 29, 2017

There are a lot of things people think when they think Walmart, but it is unlikely that the term “personal shopper” is jumping first to anyone’s mind. Personal shoppers, after all, are more strongly associated with high-end retail experiences than they are with a store...

360i Pits Amazon Alexa Against Google Home
Retail // June 30, 2017

360i asked Amazon Alexa and Google Home 3,000 questions and found out that the Home is (sometimes) smarter than Alexa — it all depends what you ask, and how. Best Buy also pits the competitors against each other in its new smart speaker displays, which...

Quick Reads
Walmart Experiments With Personal Shoppers

December 29, 2017
There are a lot of things people think when they think Walmart, but it is unlikely that the term “personal shopper” is jumping first to anyone’s mind. Personal shoppers, after all, are more strongly associated with high-end retail experiences than they are with a store best known for its “every day low prices.” But Walmart […]