Nsa news and trends

NSA Warns of AI Cybersecurity Risks, Urges Businesses to Bolster Defenses
artificial intelligence // April 17, 2024

The National Security Agency (NSA) is sounding the alarm on the cybersecurity risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI) systems, releasing new guidance to help businesses protect their AI from hackers.  As AI increasingly integrates into business operations, experts warn that these systems are particularly vulnerable...

US Intelligence Agencies Are Putting the AI in CIA 
artificial intelligence // September 27, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the private sector by storm.  But its rapid integration across the commercial ecosystem doesn’t mean that governments around the world haven’t taken notice of the innovative technology’s capabilities — even if attempts at AI regulation are progressing at a slow, fragmented...

NSA Alerts Microsoft To Windows Security Flaw
Security & Fraud // January 15, 2020

In a move designed for public reassurance and transparency, the National Security Agency (NSA) will now be more forthright, sharing cybersecurity attacks with companies rather than discreetly analyzing them in secret for the agency’s internal use. On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the...

Lawmakers Call For Stricter Guidelines On NSA Data Collection
Regulation // June 18, 2019

Two lawmakers want to pass an amendment that aims to stop a massive data collection program run by the National Security Agency (NSA). The bipartisan amendment wants to defund the program unless the government vows that it won’t intentionally collect data of Americans, including emails,...

Quick Reads
NSA Alerts Microsoft To Windows Security Flaw

January 15, 2020
In a move designed for public reassurance and transparency, the National Security Agency (NSA) will now be more forthright, sharing cybersecurity attacks with companies rather than discreetly analyzing them in secret for the agency’s internal use. On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the agency alerted Microsoft to a vulnerability in its Windows operating […]

Lawmakers Call For Stricter Guidelines On NSA Data Collection

June 18, 2019
Two lawmakers want to pass an amendment that aims to stop a massive data collection program run by the National Security Agency (NSA). The bipartisan amendment wants to defund the...

NSA Issues Warning About BlueKeep

June 06, 2019
The National Security Agency (NSA) has released an advisory, urging Microsoft Windows administrators and users to make sure they are using a patched and updated system to stay protected against...

Bitcoin Daily: Hackers Use Malware To Generate Crypto; Disney Could Acquire Stakes In Crypto Exchanges

April 26, 2019
Hackers are still using classified exploits built by the National Security Agency two years after they were stolen, this time to mine for cryptocurrency. According to reports, security research firm Symantec...