Oem news and trends

Robots Are Gaining More Power In Grocery (And Delivery)
eCommerce // March 01, 2019

Robots, including those working in retail, “shipped to North American companies in record numbers last year,” according to a new report from the Robotic Industries Association. The new numbers underscore the advance of automation in commerce, though there are still significant question about how these...

Visa: How Payments Fuel The Connected Car Experience
Ecosystems // January 14, 2019

It’s almost burnt rubber time. The ecosystem for connected cars and trucks — and the retail and payment tasks they do and will support — is rapidly taking shape. Just look at the recent CES conference in Las Vegas. Among the announcements was a new...

Visa’s Connected Car Guru On How Payments Will Drive Auto Innovation
Ecosystems // November 28, 2018

It’s a time that can feel rushed, and requires concentration and focus, but also provides consumers used to multi-tasking with loads of unused time. It’s the good, old-fashioned commute. With the rise of connected cars (and soon autonomous vehicles), that commute will all but certainly...

Tantalum CEO Talks What’s Working (And What’s Not) In The Connected Automotive Ecosystem
Ecosystems // November 13, 2018

One might have to squint, but they can certainly see it coming — for real (not just hype) in some press release, interview, film or TV show. The push to bring connected vehicles to more consumers — vehicles that can enable their own fuel payments, parking...

Interviews & Exclusives
For SMBs, Build vs. Buy Microservices Debate Warrants a Look at the Tech Stack

October 18, 2021
The tech stack — that conglomeration of tech, codes, software and services that build websites or apps — can be a strategic advantage, not a cost center. Brandon Gell, CEO and co-founder of Clyde, said for smaller firms, in the inexorable bid to move online, after all, speed is of the essence.   Small and […]

Visa: How Payments Fuel The Connected Car Experience

January 14, 2019
It’s almost burnt rubber time. The ecosystem for connected cars and trucks — and the retail and payment tasks they do and will support — is rapidly taking shape. Just...

Visa’s Connected Car Guru On How Payments Will Drive Auto Innovation

November 28, 2018
It’s a time that can feel rushed, and requires concentration and focus, but also provides consumers used to multi-tasking with loads of unused time. It’s the good, old-fashioned commute. With...

Tantalum CEO Talks What’s Working (And What’s Not) In The Connected Automotive Ecosystem

November 13, 2018
One might have to squint, but they can certainly see it coming — for real (not just hype) in some press release, interview, film or TV show. The push to...