Olympic Games news and trends

Cybersecurity Concerns Test Paris Olympics Preparations
Cybersecurity // June 19, 2024

The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics are set for just over a month from now, and the event is starting to look a lot like the banking and payments industries: Expect a lot of data, a big dose of AI and the ever-present concern...

Digital Tools Go for Gold at Paris Summer Olympics
Technology // April 17, 2024

As the 100-day countdown to the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games begins, anticipation is not just limited to the athletic feats but also the digital innovations poised to shape the spectator experience.  With consumers more connected than ever and a significant portion of the audience expected to be digital...

Olympic Store Debuts On Tmall
Retail // December 17, 2018

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Alibaba Group have announced the launch of the first-ever Olympic store on China’s Tmall. “We are delighted to launch our first Olympic store on Alibaba’s Tmall in China, one of the world’s largest eCommerce marketplaces,” said Timo Lumme, IOC TMS...

Medaling, Outside The Olympic Arena
International // February 10, 2018

The Winter Olympics are in full swing in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Opening ceremonies took place Friday night, local time (early Friday morning for the U.S.) as athletes and spectators from 92 nations came together to kick off the two-and-a-half-week Games. Events will continue through Feb....

Interviews & Exclusives
Cybersecurity Concerns Test Paris Olympics Preparations

June 19, 2024
The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics are set for just over a month from now, and the event is starting to look a lot like the banking and payments industries: Expect a lot of data, a big dose of AI and the ever-present concern around cybersecurity. Because while the rest of the world is […]

Quick Reads
Olympic Store Debuts On Tmall

December 17, 2018
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Alibaba Group have announced the launch of the first-ever Olympic store on China’s Tmall. “We are delighted to launch our first Olympic store on Alibaba’s Tmall in China, one of the world’s largest eCommerce marketplaces,” said Timo Lumme, IOC TMS managing director, in a press release. “The launch was made […]