Online Activity news and trends

Zillennials: The Next Generation of Connected Consumer
Connected Economy // January 16, 2023

Who are the zillennials? A cohort of the 30 million United States consumers born between 1990 and 2000, zillennials bridge the gap between millennials and Generation Z. They are the very first generation of consumers to have never known a world without the internet, and...

How US Consumers Lived Their Best Digital Lives in 2022
Connected Economy // December 29, 2022

2022 marked many consumers’ triumphant return to the physical world after two years of pandemic-related restrictions — but even after options have opened up, their appetite for digital commerce experiences has not gone away. PYMNTS’ research finds that consumers used digital in their everyday lives...

Grocery Habits Reveal Wider Online Gender Divide
Connected Economy // November 30, 2022

Everyone needs groceries, but a massive divide exists in how women and men buy theirs. Men use the internet to place grocery and restaurant orders more often than women, showing a particular taste for same-day delivery apps like Instacart. Many women, on the other hand,...

Interviews & Exclusives
How US Consumers Lived Their Best Digital Lives in 2022

December 29, 2022
2022 marked many consumers’ triumphant return to the physical world after two years of pandemic-related restrictions — but even after options have opened up, their appetite for digital commerce experiences has not gone away. PYMNTS’ research finds that consumers used digital in their everyday lives 10 percent more in November 2022 than in November 2021, […]