Online Coupon news and trends

How Mobile Gives Grocery’s Bricks More Clicks
In Depth // May 07, 2015

When it comes to studying how consumers use mobile to shop, the grocery market is a particularly interesting case study. So much of the space is being disrupted by the growing number of online marketplaces offering online grocery delivery — which keeps many consumers out of...

Quick Reads
RetailMeNot Online Coupon Site Sees Mobile Transaction Hike

May 07, 2015
While not all retail-focused companies may be pleased about Google’s recent algorithm change that favors mobile-optimized sites, the online coupon site RetailMeNot hopes that strategy will give the company a much-needed edge. RetailMeNot reported a rocky first quarter earnings as its profit dipped 33 percent to $4.1 million, which was a decrease from 2013’s Q1 of […]