Ordergroove news and trends

Ordergroove Teams With commercetools to Promote Flexible Subscriptions
Partnerships // February 14, 2024

Subscription solution provider Ordergroove has launched a partnership with composable commerce firm commercetools.  The integration of the companies lets brands and retailers unlock recurring revenue while helping commercetools customers thrive in retail and eCommerce space, the two firms said in a Wednesday (Feb. 14) news release.  “The integration makes...

Leading Online Retailers Make Customer Experience Part of the Product
eCommerce // July 06, 2022

When is a product not merely a product? When it is also an experience. What does that look like? Whatever the customer says. Frustrated? Don’t be. It’s just the brave new world of customer sentiment driving product and experience design, shaped by analytics. As Paul...

79% of Consumers Have at Least 1 Commerce Relationship With a Merchant
Retail // June 23, 2022

Commerce relationships — including retail subscriptions, memberships and loyalty programs — are extremely popular with consumers. In fact, 79% of all consumers have at least one of these commerce relationships with merchants, and 17% have all three, according to “Relationship Commerce,” a PYMNTS and Ordergroove collaboration...

PYMNTS AM Radar: Reality Check; Global Clearing; Loyalty Data; Black Swan Prep; ICYMI
News // June 23, 2022

Today is Thursday, June 23 and polio was found in the U.K. for the first time in 40 years; 27 years ago today polio vaccine pioneer and inventor Jonas Salk died at the age of 81. The Commerce Department reports new jobless claims today and...

Interviews & Exclusives
Leading Online Retailers Make Customer Experience Part of the Product

July 06, 2022
When is a product not merely a product? When it is also an experience. What does that look like? Whatever the customer says. Frustrated? Don’t be. It’s just the brave new world of customer sentiment driving product and experience design, shaped by analytics. As Paul Fredrich, senior vice president of product at relationship marketing platform […]

Inflation Boosts Merchant Interest in Data to Keep Customers Brand Loyal

June 23, 2022
Try telling a Dunkin’ fan that Starbucks is better, or vice versa — and then play that out across every consumer product and service imaginable. People form powerful bonds with...

Relationship Commerce Helps Brands Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs

March 17, 2022
As data privacy laws go global and governments adopt a dead-eyed seriousness toward anything that remotely looks out of the new bounds, customer acquisition finds itself at a crossroads. Companies...

Relationship Commerce Moves Customers From ‘One and Done’ to ‘One to One’

January 28, 2022
In their 1997 marketing “Enterprise One to One,” Don Peppers and Martha Rogers zeroed in on the deeper connections possible for companies fostering close customer relationships rather than simply transactional...

Quick Reads
Ordergroove Launches Subscription Bundle Suite to Offer Flexibility

February 21, 2024
Subscription solutions company Ordergroove is introducing the Ordergroove Bundles Suite, which allows merchants to be more flexible in catering to diverse subscriber preferences. Through a suite of application programming interfaces (APIs), retailers can provide their customers with high-value subscription bundle experiences, including Fixed Kits, Build Your Own Bundle and Rotating Clubs, the company said in […]

Ordergroove Teams With commercetools to Promote Flexible Subscriptions

February 14, 2024
Subscription solution provider Ordergroove has launched a partnership with composable commerce firm commercetools.  The integration of the companies lets brands and retailers unlock recurring revenue while helping commercetools customers thrive in retail and...

PYMNTS AM Radar: Reality Check; Global Clearing; Loyalty Data; Black Swan Prep; ICYMI

June 23, 2022
Today is Thursday, June 23 and polio was found in the U.K. for the first time in 40 years; 27 years ago today polio vaccine pioneer and inventor Jonas Salk...

Ordergroove Joins Shopify’s ‘Certified App’ Club

April 14, 2022
Relationship commerce company Ordergroove has been named to the new subscription category of the Shopify Plus Certified App Partner directory. “With this designation, Ordergroove leads a highly selective and curated...