Paas Tracker news and trends

Would You Buy (And Pay) For A Car From A Mobile App?
Payments As A Service // November 28, 2017

Talk about a U-turn. Bucking widely-held perceptions, studies show millennials are interested in owning cars after all. Now, Fair, a new mobile app, is delivering a millennial-first approach to car buying that allows the entire transaction to be completed via smartphone. In November’s Payments as...

TRENDING: How Car Buying Is Moving Into Mobile’s Fast Lane
Payments As A Service // November 27, 2017

It’s time to shift gears when it comes to a commonly held perception about millennials and vehicle ownership. After years of believing millennials were disavowing the practice, recent studies indicate the millennial generation is kicking the tires on the concept of owning or leasing their own...

Can Fantasy Sports Change The Payments Game?
Payments As A Service // November 01, 2017

There’s nothing imaginary about the scope of the fantasy sports market, valued at an estimated $7.22 billion in the U.S. — or the complexities of managing payments for those platforms. In October’s Payments as a Service Tracker™, DraftKings’ chief international officer, Jeffrey Haas, discusses the...

TRENDING: How DraftKings Ups Its Payment Game
Payments As A Service // October 31, 2017

Mobile technology is all about helping different parties readily connect. In the B2B payments space, those connections can lead to new payment capabilities and new opportunities for merchants to build loyal customers. The latest PYMNTS Payments As a Service Tracker™ showcases the efforts various companies are making...

Interviews & Exclusives
TRENDING: Making Local Shopping More Rewarding

April 25, 2018
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Mobile wallet providers are running into much the same issue. In the U.S., there’s a smartphone in nearly every hand, with 77 percent of Americans owning these devices, yet only 24 percent of smartphone owners have ever used a mobile wallet to […]

TRENDING: How Car Buying Is Moving Into Mobile’s Fast Lane

November 27, 2017
It’s time to shift gears when it comes to a commonly held perception about millennials and vehicle ownership. After years of believing millennials were disavowing the practice, recent studies indicate the...

TRENDING: How DraftKings Ups Its Payment Game

October 31, 2017
Mobile technology is all about helping different parties readily connect. In the B2B payments space, those connections can lead to new payment capabilities and new opportunities for merchants to build...