Pandenomics news and trends

Data Shows eComm Got Permanent Boost From Pandemic
eCommerce // November 21, 2022

Shopping online is so 2019. Such is the claim of analysts and pundits who point to the consumer’s return to the brick-and-mortar store as evidence of their waning appetite for digital shopping. More specifically, their claim is that the rate at which consumers shop online...

Three Years Later, COVID-19 Still Threatens to Disrupt Work, Summer Plans
Coronavirus // June 16, 2022

The continued presence of COVID-19 is disrupting what could’ve been a summer of renewed confidence in going out, a report from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) says. This comes as there’s been a decrease in deaths and more acute illness — as opposed to the...

Revised Census Data Shows eCommerce Share Didn’t Plummet After All
eCommerce // May 23, 2022

In 1986, Former President Ronald Regan said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Those who relied on February 2022 online sales data reported by the Census Bureau to adjust their business...

With Luxe Nesting Niceties, D2C Model Moves Into the Market for Patio Furniture
Connected Economy // April 07, 2022

Do a web search for outdoor furniture and you may doubt the entire outdoors could hold such a record array of patio furnishings to help you make the most of your self-extended lockdown. Amid the expected search results from Amazon to Wayfair, try adding “teak”...

Interviews & Exclusives
Data Shows eComm Got Permanent Boost From Pandemic

November 21, 2022
Shopping online is so 2019. Such is the claim of analysts and pundits who point to the consumer’s return to the brick-and-mortar store as evidence of their waning appetite for digital shopping. More specifically, their claim is that the rate at which consumers shop online has returned to what would have been expected without the […]

With Luxe Nesting Niceties, D2C Model Moves Into the Market for Patio Furniture

April 07, 2022
Do a web search for outdoor furniture and you may doubt the entire outdoors could hold such a record array of patio furnishings to help you make the most of...

New PYMNTS Data Shows SMBs Adapting To Wage Hikes, Economic Change

September 16, 2021
The last 18 months have taken a toll on the United States business sector, but mom-and-pop shops on Main Street U.S.A. have emerged from the experience stronger than ever. Main...

NEW DATA: Digital Lessons From Main Street’s 2021 SMB Survivors

March 08, 2021
The anniversary of the United States’ first pandemic-related lockdown measures is fast approaching. March 19 will mark 365 days since California became the first — though certainly not the last...

Quick Reads
IRS Finds Most ERC Claims Have Unacceptable Levels of Risk

June 20, 2024
The IRS plans to deny tens of thousands “improper high-risk” Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims amounting to billions of dollars. This decision follows a review of a group of more than 1 million ERC claims that confirmed widespread concerns about improper claims, the IRS said in a Thursday (June 20) press release. “We will now use […]

Three Years Later, COVID-19 Still Threatens to Disrupt Work, Summer Plans

June 16, 2022
The continued presence of COVID-19 is disrupting what could’ve been a summer of renewed confidence in going out, a report from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) says. This comes as...

Gallup: Fewer Americans Flew in 2021 Than Any Year Between 2003 and 2015

January 07, 2022
The friendly skies saw fewer American flyers in 2021 than in any year between 2003 and 2015, according to a Gallup report Thursday (Jan. 6) that points to less travel...

Goldman: COVID Surge Could Reduce 2022 Demand for Elective Medical Procedures

December 26, 2021
With the pandemic ongoing, Goldman Sachs analysts are saying that the recovery in hospital procedure volumes and rebound in MedTech procedures could be delayed, a report says. There could be...