Passwordless news and trends

New X Passkey Feature Signals Ongoing Shift to Passwordless Future
News // January 25, 2024

The emergence of all-in-one apps promises unparalleled convenience, offering users a one-stop solution for various needs. From managing finances to staying connected with friends, these multifaceted applications aim to streamline daily activities, promising a more integrated and efficient experience for users. Findings detailed in a joint...

Amazon Moves Toward ‘Passwordless Internet’ With Passkey Support
Amazon // October 23, 2023

Amazon said it is launching passkey support on browsers and mobile shopping apps. The offering, announced Monday (Oct. 23), lets customers set up passkeys in their Amazon settings and use the same face, fingerprint or PIN used to unlock their device.  “This is about giving customers...

60 Years on, Banks Say it’s Time to Leave Passwords and Embrace Biometrics
Security & Fraud // June 09, 2023

Companies have had to ensure the validity of customers interacting with them — while also providing a frictionless experience — since the very dawn of commerce. Entersekt CPO Pradheep Sampath and Susan Koski, CISO at PNC, told PYMNTS that goal’s been made even harder with...

Delegated Authentication Helps Speed the Shift to Passwordless Future 
Authentication // June 02, 2023

In a world where online commerce continues its inexorable rise, authentication and transaction processes have become more critical than ever. Delegated authentication has the potential to revolutionize the way we prove ourselves online. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed before an...

Interviews & Exclusives
Passwordless Future Key to Competing in Digital Economy

June 25, 2024
In today’s digitally connected economy, security and user experience are becoming increasingly intertwined and interdependent. Against that backdrop, the transformative potential of passwordless authentication represents a crucial step toward a more secure and efficient digital future. “A password is nothing but a shared secret, and a shared secret is just a disaster waiting to happen,” […]

Delegated Authentication Helps Speed the Shift to Passwordless Future 

June 02, 2023
In a world where online commerce continues its inexorable rise, authentication and transaction processes have become more critical than ever. Delegated authentication has the potential to revolutionize the way we...

Mobile Devices Move Passwordless Future to the Here and Now

November 21, 2022
Mobile devices, biometrics and identity tokenization are helping to make passwordless identity authentication a reality, Rodger Desai, chief executive officer of Prove Identity, told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster. The payoffs are...

Quick Reads
Amazon Moves Toward ‘Passwordless Internet’ With Passkey Support

October 23, 2023
Amazon said it is launching passkey support on browsers and mobile shopping apps. The offering, announced Monday (Oct. 23), lets customers set up passkeys in their Amazon settings and use the same face, fingerprint or PIN used to unlock their device.  “This is about giving customers ease-of-use and security simultaneously in their Amazon experience,” said Dave Treadwell, […]