Payment Powering Platforms Tracker news and trends

Raising The Roof With Platform Payments
Platform Payments // December 11, 2018

As a growing group of consumers around the globe adopt digital payment platforms and tools, some well-known players, including Google and Amazon, are now working to improve and expand access to the solutions that will make those transactions as frictionless as possible. In the latest...

How Platform Payments Help The Games Go On
Platform Payments // October 11, 2018

When it comes to organizing rec athletics, email chains are about as high-tech as it gets. In the latest Payments Powering Platforms Tracker, Greg Ludke, GM of sports organizations at TeamSnap, discusses the need for a payments-powered assist to help rec leagues streamline scheduling, communication...

Turning To The Crowd — And Gift Cards — To Fund Honeymoons
Platform Payments // June 14, 2018

Millennials could care less for crystal stemware or fine china as wedding gifts. They want experiences — and that’s a trend turning the $19 billion bridal registry business on its head, says Sara Margulis, CEO and co-founder of Honeyfund. In the latest Payments Powering Platforms Tracker, Margulis discusses how crowdfunded bridal registries are opening...

TRENDING: Honeyfund CEO: Payments Powering Honeymoons
Platform Payments // June 13, 2018

Whether it’s planning for a first date to the movies or a honeymoon vacation, most consumers today do so online. Industries of all types are embracing the potential of embedded payments to not only sell products, but to help plan and purchase experiences as well,...