Payment Rail Innovation news and trends

Augmenting Payment Rails To Drive Value For Business Users
B2B Payments // July 30, 2020

As businesses large and small expand their payments technology adoption, financial service providers are seeking to augment an array of existing and new payment rails to drive corporate use. The rise of faster and real-time payments infrastructure will have profound impacts on the ways corporate...

FinTechs Enhance The Value Of Real-Time Payment Rails
B2B Payments // July 23, 2020

This week’s look at payment rail innovation is all about value-added offerings on existing rails, as well as on emerging real-time payment schemes. In the U.S., Nacha noted that as ACH volume increases as a result of the pandemic, Same Day ACH is similarly on...

Payment Rail Innovators Focus On B2B Payments Data
B2B Payments // June 30, 2020

Whether building solutions on existing rails like ACH, or developing new infrastructure to bypass legacy tools, payment rail innovators are placing a new emphasis on data. This week’s exploration of Payment Rail Innovation finds industry players including Nacha and Boost Payment Solutions emphasizing B2B payment...