Payments 2022 news and trends

Digital Platforms Are Optimistic About the Future
Payments As A Service // May 17, 2019

Business investments in voice technology are speaking loud and clear about priorities. According to a new Adobe study, 91 percent of companies were investing in voice-based commerce and other technologies like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. In the Payments 2022 study, PYMNTS takes a look...

Digital Platforms’ Ambitious Growth Plans
Digital Payments // April 30, 2019

Digital platforms are the backbone of marketplaces and service providers used by millions daily. Payment capabilities, coupled with rapid mobile adoption, have contributed to their rapid growth. According to a new PYMNTS study, Payments 2022, conducted in conjunction with Stripe, in just five years digital...

Payments 2022: Why Payments Is Make-Or-Break For Digital Platforms
Payments As A Service // April 29, 2019

The last decade has seen the emergence of a new generation of fast-growing, multinational businesses. Digital platforms — fueled by the convergence of mobile devices, data and the cloud — have generated unprecedented value for both their stakeholders and users. However, the payment capabilities that...

Interviews & Exclusives
Payments 2022: Why Payments Is Make-Or-Break For Digital Platforms

April 29, 2019
The last decade has seen the emergence of a new generation of fast-growing, multinational businesses. Digital platforms — fueled by the convergence of mobile devices, data and the cloud — have generated unprecedented value for both their stakeholders and users. However, the payment capabilities that have propelled the growth of platforms such as Uber and […]