Paypal Honey news and trends

PayPal Honey Sweetens the Pot for Shoppers and Merchants As Holidays Approach
eCommerce // August 24, 2022

When PayPal acquired discounting app Honey in early 2020 for $4 billion in cash, it presaged the beefed-up rewards and cash back power of the two properties combined.   With the July announcement that the rebranded PayPal Honey is now a mobile Safari extension, Honey-loving...

Interviews & Exclusives
Entrepreneurial Agility and Innovation Could Make or Break SMBs’ Holiday Season

November 11, 2022
Recall the bleak summer of 2020, when you’d have thought Main Street small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) would be extinct by year’s end. It was understandably pessimistic, but it didn’t account for the sheer tenacity small business owners have repeatedly shown. As part of the SMB-TV series done in collaboration with PayPal, PYMNTS’ Karen Webster […]