Penfed news and trends

How ‘Data Exhaust’ Separates Legitimate Customers From Synthetic ID Fraudsters
Fraud Prevention // July 27, 2020

Consumers want a speedy, Amazon-like experience when creating accounts with their banks, but keeping fraudsters from slipping in among genuine users can be a challenge. In the FI Fraud Decisioning Playbook, John Kelly, chief administrative officer at Pentagon Federal Credit Union, discusses why financial institutions...

New Report: How FIs Are Finding Fraudsters Wherever They May Hide
Fraud Prevention // July 24, 2020

Synthetic identity fraud is costing companies heavily, with $14.7 billion lost to this type of crime in 2018 alone. This is a particularly subtle and nefarious kind of attack, in which bad actors create fake identities using real details stolen from different consumers. The result...

How PenFed Kept Financial Doors Open During Government Shutdowns
Credit Unions // March 07, 2019

During the 35-day U.S. government shutdown, federal credit unions had thousands of members without paychecks, with no end in sight. Ricardo Chamorro, EVP at D.C. area-based PenFed Credit Union, tells PYMNTS that keeping its affected members afloat meant applying lessons learned from weathering more than...

Interviews & Exclusives
Personalizing the Credit Union Experience Can Avoid Members’ ‘Fight or Flight’

July 20, 2022
Fight or flight. The classic conflict winds its way through all many aspects of life — even financial services. Turns out that some credit union (CU) consumers would rather vote with their feet than joust with their financial institutions (FIs) in a bid to get the personal touch they crave, and which is evident in […]

New Report: How FIs Are Finding Fraudsters Wherever They May Hide

July 24, 2020
Synthetic identity fraud is costing companies heavily, with $14.7 billion lost to this type of crime in 2018 alone. This is a particularly subtle and nefarious kind of attack, in...