Pentagon news and trends

Lyft’s Expert in Machine Learning to Lead Pentagon’s New AI Office
artificial intelligence // April 25, 2022

Craig Martell, the head of machine learning for Lyft, is joining the Pentagon to be the leader of its new data and artificial intelligence office, Bloomberg reported Monday (April 25). The report said Martell is a former professor of computer science at the Naval Postgraduate...

US To Insurers: Coronavirus Vaccine Should Not Require Copay
Coronavirus // June 17, 2020

U.S. officials don’t want people to have to pay health insurance copays when a coronavirus vaccine eventually becomes available, they said on Tuesday (June 16), the Associated Press reported. A senior Trump administration official, talking to reporters at a briefing, said the government has been in...

Pentagon Bumps Up Periodic Payments To Contractors
Coronavirus // March 23, 2020

In an effort to spur cash flow during the coronavirus pandemic, the Pentagon will boost percentages paid to contractors for the time being, The Washington Post reported. For now, percentages for contracts for large businesses will rise from 80 percent to 90 percent, while percentages...

Bill: Tech Firms Must Disclose US Adversaries’ Software Reviews
Regulation // May 25, 2018

A new bill would require U.S. tech companies to disclose if they allowed American adversaries to examine software sold to the U.S. military. The bill, approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee, comes after Reuters discovered that tech companies including Hewlett Packard, SAP and McAfee have...

Quick Reads
OpenAI Working With Pentagon on Cybersecurity, Veteran Suicide Prevention

January 16, 2024
OpenAI is reportedly working with the United States military on a number of projects. The creator of ChatGPT is working with the Pentagon on cybersecurity tools and has had talks with the U.S. government about ways to help prevent veteran suicide, Bloomberg reported Tuesday (Jan. 16), citing its interview with OpenAI Vice President of Global Affairs Anna Makanju. The […]

Lyft’s Expert in Machine Learning to Lead Pentagon’s New AI Office

April 25, 2022
Craig Martell, the head of machine learning for Lyft, is joining the Pentagon to be the leader of its new data and artificial intelligence office, Bloomberg reported Monday (April 25)....

US To Insurers: Coronavirus Vaccine Should Not Require Copay

June 17, 2020
U.S. officials don’t want people to have to pay health insurance copays when a coronavirus vaccine eventually becomes available, they said on Tuesday (June 16), the Associated Press reported. A senior...

Bill: Tech Firms Must Disclose US Adversaries’ Software Reviews

May 25, 2018
A new bill would require U.S. tech companies to disclose if they allowed American adversaries to examine software sold to the U.S. military. The bill, approved by the Senate Armed...