Personal Computers news and trends

Will Microsoft Spark a Wave of AI-Powered PCs?
artificial intelligence // May 26, 2024

Last week, Microsoft debuted a line of artificial intelligence (AI)-ready personal computers. New findings by Morgan Stanley — the subject of a report Sunday (May 26) by Seeking Alpha — argue that the tech giant’s rollout could usher in a new wave of PC sales....

Microsoft’s Copilot+ PCs: AI Takes Flight, Lands on Your Desk
artificial intelligence // May 20, 2024

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly woven into the fabric of our daily lives, Microsoft is betting that the future of computing will be powered by AI — and that users will want that intelligence at their fingertips rather than in the...

PC Market Expected to Recover After 8 Quarters of Decline
Retail // October 09, 2023

The worldwide PC market experienced a decline of 9% in shipments in the third quarter of 2023, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of decline.  However, there is hope for a recovery in the fourth quarter of 2023, Gartner said in a Monday (Oct. 9) press release.  The decline...

Quick Reads
Will Microsoft Spark a Wave of AI-Powered PCs?

May 26, 2024
Last week, Microsoft debuted a line of artificial intelligence (AI)-ready personal computers. New findings by Morgan Stanley — the subject of a report Sunday (May 26) by Seeking Alpha — argue that the tech giant’s rollout could usher in a new wave of PC sales. “We believe that the commercial PC market will be the […]

PC Market Expected to Recover After 8 Quarters of Decline

October 09, 2023
The worldwide PC market experienced a decline of 9% in shipments in the third quarter of 2023, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of decline.  However, there is hope for a...