Petro news and trends

Bitcoin Daily: Venezuela May Collect Taxes In Crypto; Russian Agency Proposes AI To Track Crypto Transactions

August 12, 2020
First Of 40 Burger King Venezuela Locations Now Accepts Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency // January 05, 2020

Burger King is letting people pay their way in Venezuela with a new bitcoin partnership that enables cryptocurrency purchases, CoinTelegraph reported on Saturday (Jan. 4). Confirmed in a Dec. 30 tweet by @cryptobuyer, a Panama-based crypto platform, there is one Burger King in the Sambil...

Venezuela Readies Central Bank Crypto Payments
Cryptocurrency // September 30, 2019

Venezuela’s central bank is getting ready to pull the trigger on cryptocurrency payments. President Nicolas Maduro said in a televised press conference that the government will be using cryptos as a “method for free national and international payments.” “The finance minister and Venezuela’s central bank...

Venezuela Considers Russian Payments System As SWIFT Alternative
International // July 17, 2019

Sources have revealed that Venezuela might use a Russian-operated international payments messaging system in an effort to get around U.S. sanctions. The country has reportedly asked for more information from their Russian counterparts as it considers implementing an alternative system in case the country is...

Bitcoin Daily: Bank Of Japan Pushes Back On Cryptocurrencies; Venezuela President Demands Consumer Access To...
Bitcoin // July 08, 2019

European Central Bank (ECB) Executive Board Member Benoit Coeure has asked financial regulators to create a framework for crypto projects ahead of Facebook’s launch of its own digital currency, Libra. “It’s out of the question to allow them to develop in a regulatory void for...

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Venezuela May Collect Taxes In Crypto; Russian Agency Proposes AI To Track Crypto...

August 12, 2020
Venezuela may be going forward with a plan to allow the use of the Petro (PTR) cryptocurrency to pay taxes, according to Cointelegraph. A group of the country’s mayors, the Bolivarian Council of Mayors, has signed onto the government’s “National Tax Harmonization Agreement” that would allow 305 municipalities in the country to pay taxes with […]

First Of 40 Burger King Venezuela Locations Now Accepts Bitcoin

January 05, 2020
Burger King is letting people pay their way in Venezuela with a new bitcoin partnership that enables cryptocurrency purchases, CoinTelegraph reported on Saturday (Jan. 4). Confirmed in a Dec. 30...

Venezuela Readies Central Bank Crypto Payments

September 30, 2019
Venezuela’s central bank is getting ready to pull the trigger on cryptocurrency payments. President Nicolas Maduro said in a televised press conference that the government will be using cryptos as...

Venezuela Considers Russian Payments System As SWIFT Alternative

July 17, 2019
Sources have revealed that Venezuela might use a Russian-operated international payments messaging system in an effort to get around U.S. sanctions. The country has reportedly asked for more information from...