Physical Stores news and trends

UK Store Closures Hit 5-Year High
Retail // January 02, 2023

More than 17,000 retail stores closed shop in the United Kingdom in 2022.  The Centre for Retail Research reported Monday (Jan. 2) that there were 17,145 store closures during the year, more than in any of the previous four years, accompanied by 151,474 job losses. ...

Kraft Heinz’s Evolv: Backing Micro-Fulfillment’s Evolution At The Grocery
Delivery // February 26, 2020

In eCommerce, and specifically, fulfillment, might the mantra be: Think big, go small? For grocers making the transition to the digital age, micro-fulfillment centers located at the back of the store may solve a myriad of logistics/inventory challenges. Evolv Ventures (the $100 million venture arm...

How Experiential Retail Is Giving Physical Stores An Edge
Retail // February 24, 2020

As 2020 unfolds, the retail business has been dramatically altered. Macy’s started the year by laying off employees and closing stores. Simon Properties led a team of investors to essentially buy out one of its tenants, Forever 21. And the supermarket business has thinned its...

Retail CFOs Tighten Purse Strings Over Physical Store Uncertainty
Retail // January 28, 2020

Retail chief financial officers (CFOs) are in for a bumpy road ahead, sitting in the eye of a storm with the presidential election, global trade disputes and mixed signals on customer spending, according to reports. Following a depressed holiday turnout for major retailers, small businesses...

Interviews & Exclusives
Is ‘Walking In A Live Instagram Account’ The Future Of Physical Retail?

November 08, 2019
Remember those first giddy days of eCommerce? If so, one can probably remember the fantastical predictions that, before too long, brick-and-mortar retail would go the way of the horse-and-buggy. Those were the days. Physical retail may be going through some tough times. Malls are all but dead, and one chain after another closes its doors. […]

Retail, RFID And Real-Time Sales

April 05, 2019
Probably every shopper knows the thrill of the retail treasure hunt — that odd, unexpected, but perfect product discovered on a shelf; that highly desired item almost hidden in some...

For Retailers, Security Cameras Could Be Must-See CCTV

March 26, 2019
Retailers in the physical world are at a real disadvantage when it comes to knowing the customers in their stores, and what they do once they get there. Customers online...

How Neighborhood Goods Is Breathing New Life Into The Department Store Model

March 12, 2019
For physical retail, and department stores in particular, it’s both the best of times and worst of times. The headline topping the news this week was that, in 2019, more...

Quick Reads
UK Store Closures Hit 5-Year High

January 02, 2023
More than 17,000 retail stores closed shop in the United Kingdom in 2022.  The Centre for Retail Research reported Monday (Jan. 2) that there were 17,145 store closures during the year, more than in any of the previous four years, accompanied by 151,474 job losses.  The number of store closures was higher than the 16,073 […]

Retail CFOs Tighten Purse Strings Over Physical Store Uncertainty

January 28, 2020
Retail chief financial officers (CFOs) are in for a bumpy road ahead, sitting in the eye of a storm with the presidential election, global trade disputes and mixed signals on...

Amazon Eyes Germany For Brick-And-Mortar Locations

January 05, 2020
Germany — Amazon’s second-biggest market after the U.S. — could be getting physical stores, Reuters reported on Saturday (Jan. 4). Amazon’s German head was quoted in a local newspaper as...

Lord & Taylor To Open Small NYC Store For Holidays

December 03, 2019
Lord & Taylor is opening a small shop in New York City for the holiday shopping season. The retailer closed its iconic 676,000-square-foot NYC store at the beginning of the...