Political Action Committees news and trends

Ripple Pledges $25 Million Yearly to Crypto Super PAC 
Cryptocurrency // May 29, 2024

Ripple has donated another $25 million to pro-cryptocurrency political action committee (PAC) Fairshake. And there’s more where that came from, the blockchain payments company’s CEO told Axios in an interview published Wednesday (May 29). “This isn’t a one-time thing,” said Brad Garlinghouse, pledging to give Fairshake $25 million annually,...

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Coinbase Gives $25 Million to Massive Crypto Campaign War Chest

June 03, 2024
The cryptocurrency sector has reportedly stockpiled a massive amount of funds for this year’s election. The latest cash injection comes from Coinbase, which has just given $25 million to crypto political action committee (PAC) Fairshake, Coindesk reported Monday (June 3). “When it comes to our mission of increasing economic freedom by growing the adoption of cryptocurrencies, we are […]