Rapidfy news and trends

Merchants Bridge The Gap Between Desktop And Mobile For Checkout Conversions

May 02, 2018
Checkout Conversions
On-Demand Services Look To Chatbots, Live Chat
Chatbots And Commerce // September 20, 2016

Rapidfy, an on-demand platform that connects customers with service professionals and small and medium enterprises is looking to improve how these professionals interact with customers. The firm announced today (Sept. 20) that it will introduce artificial intelligence-powered chatbots and utilize Live Chat for websites to help...

Quick Reads
Merchants Bridge The Gap Between Desktop And Mobile For Checkout Conversions

May 02, 2018
Consumers are increasingly turning to their mobile devices for their eCommerce purchases as a percentage of overall sales are set to skyrocket. In fact, sales through mobile eCommerce channels are poised to make up half of all online sales by the year 2020 — worth nearly $250 billion annually – and the bulk of those transactions […]