Receipts news and trends

59% of FIs and FinTechs Say Item-Level Receipt Data Helps Track Consumer Spending
Data // March 27, 2023

Say the word “receipt” and the image that springs to mind may be that crumpled piece of paper at the bottom of the desk drawer, a forgotten transaction recorded for posterity and tucked away in a coat pocket. But in 2023, the humble receipt need...

Where Today’s Receipt Data Falls Short for FIs and FinTechs
Data // November 04, 2022

“Receipt level data is the Holy Grail of data.” Wil Schobeiri, chief technology officer at Banyan, told PYMNTS that stock keeping unit (SKU)-level information — digested by merchants and banks and disseminated to consumers on their statements and banking apps — acts as the glue...

Banyan Raises $43M to Grow Its SKU Data Network
Investments // October 20, 2022

Stock keeping unit (SKU)-level receipt data infrastructure startup Banyan raised $43 million to scale its technology and infrastructure to advance its network that enables retailers, banks and FinTechs to leverage item-level enriched data capabilities. The Series A round, a combination of equity and venture debt,...

95% of FIs Tap Power of Receipt Data
Data // October 17, 2022

Receipts aren’t just pieces of paper that end up at the bottom of your shopping bag. With the right information in the mix, they can foster collaboration between financial institutions (FIs) and merchants to help them craft compelling loyalty programs, prevent fraud, manage expenses more...

Interviews & Exclusives
59% of FIs and FinTechs Say Item-Level Receipt Data Helps Track Consumer Spending

March 27, 2023
Say the word “receipt” and the image that springs to mind may be that crumpled piece of paper at the bottom of the desk drawer, a forgotten transaction recorded for posterity and tucked away in a coat pocket. But in 2023, the humble receipt need not be so humble, and need not be an afterthought […]

Where Today’s Receipt Data Falls Short for FIs and FinTechs

November 04, 2022
“Receipt level data is the Holy Grail of data.” Wil Schobeiri, chief technology officer at Banyan, told PYMNTS that stock keeping unit (SKU)-level information — digested by merchants and banks...

95% of FIs Tap Power of Receipt Data

October 17, 2022
Receipts aren’t just pieces of paper that end up at the bottom of your shopping bag. With the right information in the mix, they can foster collaboration between financial institutions...

Managing Spend In A Sector Where Unplanned Expenses Are The Norm Issues

January 27, 2020
More workers in the United States and around the world are beginning to ask for updated expense tools as business becomes more interconnected. The volume and frequency of money and...

Quick Reads
Slip Raises $3.2 Million to Grow Receipt Data Startup

June 06, 2024
British receipt data startup Slip has raised $3.2 million in seed funding.  “Having launched the product last year and seeing great results so far, this capital allows us to accelerate our growth across the U.K., and internationally over the next few years,” Tash Grossman, Slip’s CEO, wrote on LinkedIn on Thursday (June 6). “So for […]

Banyan Raises $43M to Grow Its SKU Data Network

October 20, 2022
Stock keeping unit (SKU)-level receipt data infrastructure startup Banyan raised $43 million to scale its technology and infrastructure to advance its network that enables retailers, banks and FinTechs to leverage...