Reetika Grewal news and trends

Personalized Solutions Unlock Instant Payments Differentiation for Corporates
Digital Banking // June 22, 2023

The positive feedback loop between digitization and end-user expectations is transforming banking, finance and payments. And as the world evolves, those firms that fall behind the cutting-edge of digital personalization could eventually see their growth prospects dulled. That’s because in this new environment, “user experience...

Interviews & Exclusives
Shoppable Content Is Complicated; Its Future Shouldn’t Be

August 25, 2023
One of the more compelling stories to come out of the pandemic was the idea of shoppable content. The hyper-convenient purchase moment and context of shoppable content, along with its emergent cousins like social shopping and live selling, seemed poised to take off. Click-through to purchase capabilities were being positioned as the next change-the-game innovation […]

Personalized Solutions Unlock Instant Payments Differentiation for Corporates

June 22, 2023
The positive feedback loop between digitization and end-user expectations is transforming banking, finance and payments. And as the world evolves, those firms that fall behind the cutting-edge of digital personalization...