Remofirst news and trends

Remofirst Raises Funds to Help Companies Build Remote Teams
B2B Payments // September 22, 2022

Remofirst, an employer of record provider, has announced a $14.1 million seed round, a press release said. The company helps other companies build global remote teams, letting them hire talent in countries where they don’t have an entity. The services include onboarding, payroll benefits, taxes...

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Remofirst Raises Funds to Help Companies Build Remote Teams

September 22, 2022
Remofirst, an employer of record provider, has announced a $14.1 million seed round, a press release said. The company helps other companies build global remote teams, letting them hire talent in countries where they don’t have an entity. The services include onboarding, payroll benefits, taxes and local compliance. Remofirst’s goal is to make it simpler […]